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Step 1 - Create sub folders for your frames
Put your light frames into a separate folder and name it "lights". Then do the same with your calibration frames and name them "darks" "biases" & "flats". Put your folders into a single folder and name it after your imaging target. For example "IC1396 August 2023"
Step 2 - Create a working directory in Siril
Using the blue home button, set your working directory. (The folder which contains "lights" "darks" "flats" & "biases")
Step 3 - Run the Script
Goto "Scripts" and then "OSC_Pre-processing". Then "Run Script". Siril will now start the stacking processes.
Step 4 - Open your stacked fits file
Once the stacking is complete, Siril will save the result as a fits file within your working directory. Open and start processing our image. Click here to follow the Siril processing tutorial.
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