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Stacking your frames in Siril

A quick an easy way to stack your Light frames, Dark Frames, Bias Frames and Flat Frames. Siril will combine these images to create one Linear file ready for final processing.  See the steps and video tutorial below. 

Siril is supported for Mac & Windows

Step 1 - Create sub folders for your frames

Put your light frames into a separate folder and name it "lights". Then do the same with your calibration frames and name them "darks" "biases" & "flats". Put your folders into a single folder and name it after your imaging target. For example "IC1396 August 2023"

Step 2 - Create a working directory in Siril

Using the blue home button, set your working directory. (The folder which contains "lights" "darks" "flats" & "biases")

Step 3 - Run the Script

Goto "Scripts" and then "OSC_Pre-processing". Then "Run Script". Siril will now start the stacking processes. 

Step 4 - Open your stacked fits file

Once the stacking is complete, Siril will save the result as a fits file within your working directory. Open and start processing our image. Click here to follow the Siril processing tutorial. 

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